
Avis Softonic

نشيد إمام زماني - سلام يا مهدي

We are pleased to present to you the application of the song "Salam Ya Mahdi" by the artist Mr. Hajjazi, which offers you a collection of songs in the voice of the star Mr. Hajjazi. The application contains two sections, the first of which starts with a screen with two buttons. The first button is for playing the anthem and going to the video page, and the second button is for more applications. Through it, you can go to another application page and download the applications that you like.

The second page, when opened, starts playing the song "Imam Zamani - Salam Ya Mahdi" presented by Mr. Hajjazi. Inside the page, there are three buttons at the top. The first button is for rating the application, where you can rate and comment on the application. The second button is for the lyrics of the song "Imam Zamani - Salam Ya Mahdi." Inside, you can copy the lyrics and use them on your phone or share them through your installed applications. The third button is for sharing the application through the applications installed on your phone.

In summary, we have introduced the application of the song "Imam Zamani - Salam Ya Mahdi" by the artist Mohannad Zeiter to you. We hope you like it, and please feel free to share your opinions and suggestions with us. This will help us provide better services to our valued users.

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